it came as no shock to either child when elizabeth and james finally called it quits when tatiana was six years old - it had been a long time coming, and the bright side was the amicability. they just simply didn't work as a couple, and that had always been obvious to everyone they knew. they tried co-parenting as best they could for awhile, but elizabeth ultimately made the move to los angeles after an agent in hollywood took notice of an indie film script she'd written, content to leave the children behind with james. which would have been great, had his drug problem not worsened to the point that he was essentially fully out of their lives only a few years later, leaving heathcliff to well and truly be the only one to care for his sister.
tatiana was an easy child, however. always willing to lend a hand, outgoing and personable, and sharp as a tack, she wasn't exactly difficult to raise. she excelled in school, particularly in anything pertaining to the sciences, which was her true passion. environmental, geology, zoology - anything she could get her hands on pertaining to the world around her, she positively ate up. by the time college rolled around, she had offers from multiple universities; ultimately, she settled on columbia, given both the close proximity to where she lived and the fact that were one of few that was offering her a full ride (which was of the utmost importance, given she and heathcliff were barely scraping by as it were). she graduated with a dual bachelor's in astronomy and environmental science in 2003, ging on to pursue her master's and her phd at the same university.
after she graduated with her phd, heathcliff and tatiana settled on moving to hawaii the old fashioned way - he let her close her eyes, spin a globe, and wherever her finger landed was where they would go. technically, her finger had landed in the middle of the ocean, but it was close enough. heathcliff had worked his way up in a computer tech company at that point, both able to afford a sizeable house for them and the freedom to start his own tech startup in maui. tatiana settled in quickly, able to continue her research on extrasolar and planetary moons from the island - who wouldn't enjoy being able to sit on the beach behind their home and gaze up at the stars for a living?
neutral good
it came as no shock to either child when elizabeth and james finally called it quits when tatiana was six years old - it had been a long time coming, and the bright side was the amicability. they just simply didn't work as a couple, and that had always been obvious to everyone they knew. they tried co-parenting as best they could for awhile, but elizabeth ultimately made the move to los angeles after an agent in hollywood took notice of an indie film script she'd written, content to leave the children behind with james. which would have been great, had his drug problem not worsened to the point that he was essentially fully out of their lives only a few years later, leaving heathcliff to well and truly be the only one to care for his sister.
tatiana was an easy child, however. always willing to lend a hand, outgoing and personable, and sharp as a tack, she wasn't exactly difficult to raise. she excelled in school, particularly in anything pertaining to the sciences, which was her true passion. environmental, geology, zoology - anything she could get her hands on pertaining to the world around her, she positively ate up. by the time college rolled around, she had offers from multiple universities; ultimately, she settled on columbia, given both the close proximity to where she lived and the fact that were one of few that was offering her a full ride (which was of the utmost importance, given she and heathcliff were barely scraping by as it were). she graduated with a dual bachelor's in astronomy and environmental science in 2003, ging on to pursue her master's and her phd at the same university.
after she graduated with her phd, heathcliff and tatiana settled on moving to hawaii the old fashioned way - he let her close her eyes, spin a globe, and wherever her finger landed was where they would go. technically, her finger had landed in the middle of the ocean, but it was close enough. heathcliff had worked his way up in a computer tech company at that point, both able to afford a sizeable house for them and the freedom to start his own tech startup in maui. tatiana settled in quickly, able to continue her research on extrasolar and planetary moons from the island - who wouldn't enjoy being able to sit on the beach behind their home and gaze up at the stars for a living?
neutral good

Tyrande Whisperwind grew up together with the two male night elf twins, Malfurion and Illidan Stormrage, in the kaldorei city of Suramar. The three were inseparable, playing in the woods, racing, learning to hunt. Tyrande consistently bested the brothers. As they grew into adulthood together they encouraged each other to find their respective callings.
Tyrande was to find peace in the Temple of Elune in Suramar, and became a novice priestess in the order of the Sisters of Elune. Malfurion, meanwhile, was taken under the wing of the demigod Cenarius, but Illidan was yet to find his own destiny, and searched for it in the arts of the arcane. Illidan was enamoured by the very thought of Tyrande, but his brother never even noticed this "contest" of Illidan's over Tyrande's heart.
Read more over here.
• starfall
• searing arrows
• moonfire
• healing
• protective shields
• etc.
• expert marksman
• expert swordsman
• priestess-wear
• feathered bow
• memories of theramore
• memories of the alliance
• memories of the sisterhood of elune
• similar temperament
• similar jobs
in addition to english, speaks fluent mandarin, arabic, and russian. can decently make her way around a conversation in korean and vietnamese, but cannot read it. can read latin and ancient greek.
has never met an animal she didn't want to take home. the current headcount at the wolfe house is two dogs (one of which is technically part-wolf), four cats, and a macaw.
does not consider herself particularly religious, but is very spiritual. if she were going to narrow herself down to one particular following, she feels a certain fondness for worshipping the triple goddess.
something of a recreational drug user; she generally sticks to pot, but she's been known to dabble in other hallucinogens. does not care for modern medicine, and invests a great deal of time in natural and holistic remedies - puts great stock in the genius of oils.